I was drawn into the world of theatre in 2008, when the nowadays renown comics author and teacher and back then a theatre directress Toy_Box invited me to callaborate on a site-specific project inspired by Shakespeare’s The Tempest – Projekt Bouře that took place in the attic space of Prague’s Cross Club. Together we realised our next project Pustina (T.S.Elliot’s Wastelad) and along with directress Lucie Málková a dark show Mlčenlivá. Since then I have been working as a theatre music composer for number of shows: Svatá země (d. L. Málková), Terminus (d. M.Schlegelová), Chladnější vrstvy vzduchu (d. V. Čermáková), Sofiin svět (d. L. Málková), Scratch! (d. V Čermáková), Den Opričnika (d. I.K.Kubák), Je to tu (d. V. Čermáková), Evropa (d. V Čermáková), Jasno, Lepo, Podstín, Zhyna (d. V Čermáková), Soma (d. Martin Talaga), Pokoj (Collective Momentum) and more.
During 2014 and 2015 I created two shows in collaboration with Spok: Walden and Holony.
“Walden or Life in the Woods”, partly autobiographical dreamy site-specific project inspired by the work of H. D. Thoreau. Nearly fifty shows in the span of two years, with limited number of spectators, live interaction and videos.
Review (in Czech): Pavel Klusák, Lidové noviny, 20. 6. 2014
An epilogue created for the last show:
Following Walden we created a show along with Bora Debnárová, an actress and dancer, accompanied with animations on a triple screen, telling a story of a girl named Gaia, inspired by the work of evolution biologist and futurologist Elisabeth Sahtouris, concerning the past and future relationship between humans, the Earth, and microorganisms.
A project of multimedia tarot labyrinth for one spectator, not yet finished due to lack of resources. A collaboration with TEJ and Ben Murhaaya, photographers, Jan Dřevíkovský, a visual artist, Linda Mikolášková, a costume designer, and others.